April-May 2018
Soccer and the Gospel

Now That I'm 90
By Lorene Miley
I’ve just had my 90th birthday. Twelve years and eight months have passed since my husband of 57 years went to Heaven without me. I was so sure I would have joined him by now. But, my times are in His hands, and my reservation is still pending. Any day now.
Meanwhile, Now that I’m 90...
I’ve entered the last stage of my life on earth. I’m forgetting what lies behind me and moving toward whatever lies ahead, for when one’s memories of the past exceed one’s dreams for the future, he has ceased to live.
Now that I’m 90...
I’m predicted to contract at least one, and probably two or more chronic or life-threatening illnesses, i.e. heart disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, etc. I’m keeping six “doctors” swamped with appointments, for they are the best you will find anywhere (and no one can deny it): sunshine, water, rest, air, exercise, and diet.
Now that I’m 90…
It’s time to review some favorite lessons of a lifetime:
Fear God and keep His commandments. This is the beginning of wisdom.
A mark of maturity is to listen to something new without accepting it.
If you want an excellent caregiver when you’re old, birth a daughter when you’re young.
Use it or lose it.
Now that I’m 90…
The physical senses (sight, hearing, smell, feeling, tasting) are fading or gone, but their spiritual counterparts are being renewed every morning. God compensates for old age. When I’m weak, I’m strong. God saves His choicest blessings for those who reach the age of 90.
Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Gratefully, Lorene Miley
About the Writer: Lorene Miley (pictured above with daughter Lynette Morgan) and her husband LaVerne
were pioneer medical missionaries to Côte d'Ivoire, West
Africa, through Free Will Baptist International Missions. She also served as the editor of Co-Laborer magazine, now Treasure.