October-November 2022
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Looking Forward

Why Give to the Mission North American Offering?
By Sam McVay
You may be wondering what your gifts to the Mission North America Offering (MNA) accomplish and why you should give. Let me list some ways your gifts impact the growth of the Kingdom of God, and hopefully, these things will encourage you to give generously this year.
Our primary focus at North American Ministries is church planting. We pray regularly for God to call new church planters to take the gospel to areas of North America needing a solid witness. Your gifts to the MNA Offering help our church planters in many ways.
Church Planter’s Summit is a time of training, encouragement, fellowship, studying the Word, and being with other church planters to pray together and sharpen one another.
Prayer cards, directories, maps, and other printed materials help promote the ministry of our church planters to Free Will Baptist churches and individuals.
Training and encouragement are provided for our church planters as directors visit them and offer their time, help, and counsel.
Deficit accounts are corrected when sufficient funds from the offering go to church planter accounts in
the red.
Your gifts to the MNA
Offering also help cover
travel costs to state meetings and the National Convention each July. Representatives from North American Ministries attend these meetings to share how God is working in church plants and other areas of ministry. The offering also provides opportunities for church planters to connect with fellow Free Will Baptists and to distribute promotional
materials to remind folks to pray for and support the work of North American Ministries.
Your gifts make it possible to operate our home office. While that may not sound glamorous, the office handles accounting, payroll, receipts, and bookkeeping for all church planters. The NAM office is the hub for sharing news of how God is building His Kingdom through various ministries. Your gifts also make it possible to provide assessment, direction, and accountability to church planters. All these things are necessary for effective and efficient ministry across North America.
You may not realize it, but your gifts to the MNA Offering also help fund the various ministries of
Master’s Men. The Disaster Response Team, with its equipment, supplies, training, and services, benefits from your offerings. The IMPACT project each year during the National Convention is funded through these gifts. Your gifts help provide Bible studies and support to men’s ministries across the denomination.
Additionally, cross-cultural ministries benefit from your generous gifts. As the Hispanic population continues to grow, cross-cultural ministries work with more established churches and church plants to provide direction and resources to reach Hispanics in their community and establish new Spanish-speaking churches. In addition, your gifts help underwrite translation of materials into Spanish and training for new Hispanic leaders through the Hispanic Institute.
North American Ministries also provides endorsement, support, encouragement, and oversight to Free Will Baptist military chaplains. Your gifts make it possible for the chaplain support officer to provide resources to our chaplains. Our chaplains serve the men and women who put their lives on the line willingly to keep us safe. We do our best to encourage our chaplains and provide the support they need. Your generous gifts help make that possible.
These are only a few of the many ways your generous gifts to Mission North America Offering make it possible for North American Ministries to fulfill the task given to us by the National Association. We are praying for and asking our Free Will Baptist people to give generously on November 20 and have set the goal of raising $750,000 this year. Please prayerfully do your part to help us reach that goal.
About the Author: Sam McVay is Church Relations Officer for North American Ministries. Learn more: fwbnam.com.