A sneak-peek at this year's convention city.
Oklahoma City: Where the Convention Comes Sweeping Down the Plain
by Mary Kathryn Driggers
O - Oklahoma City is the capital of Oklahoma (a state since 1907). The third largest city (in land area) in the nation, with a population of more than a half million, it is home to one of the top livestock markets in the world and is situated in the middle of an oil field.
K - Known for its Native American influence, Oklahoma City became an Indian Territory in 1828, when Congress ruled that the area would be reserved for Indians. Five tribes—Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole—established five independent nations under U.S. protection.
L - Located in downtown Oklahoma City, the Bricktown community features a magnificently restored neighborhood filled with historical attractions, restaurants, sports facilities, shops, and a spectacular canal and riverwalk.
A - Assorted museums are located in Oklahoma City. The Kirkpatrick Air and Space Museum preserves and honors contributions of Oklahomans to aerospace. The International Photography Hall of Fame is a tribute to the art and technology of photography, and the Red Earth Museum is dedicated to Native American cultures and lifestyles.
H - Home of the Sooners and Cowboys football teams, the capitol city also claims the Oklahoma City Redhawks, Triple-A affiliate of the Texas Rangers.
O - Overflowing with natural venues, Oklahoma City has numerous parks including the Zoological Park, Martin Park Nature Center, Will Rogers Gardens, and Myriad Botanical Gardens, a large urban park.
M - Many love to visit Oklahoma City’s amusement parks, Frontier City and White Water Bay. Frontier City is an Old West-themed amusement park. The park also features a recreation of a western gunfight at the O.K. Corral, and many shops line the town’s picturesque “Main Street.”
A - Another prominent feature of the capitol city is the National Memorial located in the northern part of downtown. The memorial was created to honor victims, survivors, and rescue workers whose lives were changed forever when the government building on the site was bombed April 19, 1995. The outdoor memorial is open 24 hours a day.
C - Commonly known as “The Sooner State,” the Oklahoma Indian Territory was opened to settlers in 1889. As a result, thousands lined the border and raced into the territory to claim their land when the signal was given. Some people, however, left the starting line early. They became known as “Sooners.”
I - Interestingly, the name Oklahoma comes from the Choctaw words okla, meaning people, and humma, meaning red. Literally translated, the name means red people.
T - Tornadoes are common in Oklahoma. The state ranks second for frequency of tornadoes.
Y - You’re okay, Oklahoma! Oklahoma, OK.
Join the rush when the National Association of Free Will Baptists meets in Oklahoma City, July 18-21, 2010. The convention theme will be, “Who Will Go?” based on Isaiah 6:1-8. For more information, visit www.nafwb.org.
Learn more about making your convention-going experience a smooth one in Convention 101 by Convention Manager Ryan Lewis.
About the Writer: A senior at Free Will Baptist Bible College, Mary Kathryn Driggers served as Press Assistant at the 2009 National Association of Free Will Baptists in Cincinnati, Ohio.