One pastor condenses 20 years of ministry lessons into 300 words.
Twenty Things Ministry Has Taught Me
by Kevin Riggs
Every pastor would benefit from some time in bi-vocational ministry. It will change your perspective, keep you connected to the real world, and give you empathy for the schedule everyone else in the church must keep.
The best advice I ever received was during my first few months on the job. The advice was, "Kevin, always remember your walk with Christ is more important than your work for Christ." (Thanks Rob.)
Every pastor needs a Paul and Timothy in his life. My Paul was Dr. James Davis (I miss him terribly), and my Timothy is a guy named Tim.
The greatest church I will ever pastor only has four members (counting myself) and a Golden Retriever named Sandy.
God has called me to pastor His people, not be the CEO of a religious organization.
One of my greatest accomplishments is I have only pastored two churches in 20 years.
After 20 years I am more passionate about the power and potential of the local church than ever.
My biggest encourager is my wife Misty. I love you.
My greatest passion is seeing God change lives, beginning and continuing with my own.
My harshest critics are other pastors. (I don't understand why.)
Every pastor needs a hobby. Mine is scuba diving.
I love being called “Rev. Kev.”
Neckties don’t make me any more spiritual.
If I could do it all over again…I would.
Character is more important than competency.
Church growth is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit, under the sovereign hand of God. Therefore, comparing my church’s growth with another church’s growth is a waste of time and energy and may even be sinful.
The size of my church does not define who I am in Christ Jesus.
If I were not a pastor, or if I quit being a pastor tomorrow, Jesus would still love me.
Burnout results from losing focus or trying to be something you’re not.
The single most important thing is love. Love God and love others. In the end, what else is there?