Aug-Sept 2010
Home Works:
Building a Family
of Faith

2010 Women Nationally Active for Christ Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
The 75th annual convention of Women Nationally Active for Christ brought 986 women together to celebrate the past and effect changes for the future.
Shining Welcome
Oklahoma women welcomed attendees by serenading the early Tuesday morning audience with their state song, tossing cowboy hats into the crowd. Oklahoma WAC President Tracy Payne expanded that welcome with a humorous Top Ten list of laws to remember while visiting the state. Sooner women also hosted the annual WNAC fellowship luncheon, attended this year by over 400 individuals.
Shining Women
Pastor’s wife, educator, and longtime WAC leader Elizabeth Hodges (TN), was unanimously elected WNAC executive director. Hodges challenged women to act as “Aarons and Hurs” by supporting her and praying for the success of the ministry. She made a plea for 12 prayer partners from each state who will intercede for her and the ministry of WNAC.
A Monday afternoon presentation, “Shine! Celebrating 75 years of WNAC,” honored several little known women active for Christ (hidden jewels) and highlighted the history of the organization, recalling shining moments from three-quarters of a century.
During the business session, the Executive Committee unveiled a new national project. “Shine 75” offers women opportunity to support Free Will Baptist Hispanic educational ministries. With a goal of $75,000, the 2010-2011 project will split funds equally between the Seminary of the Cross, the Altimira Bible Institute, and the Gwen Hendrix Hispanic Bible Institute.
Four women studying at the Free Will Baptist Bible Institute in Campinas, Brazil, will receive funding from the Cleo Pursell Foreign Student Scholarship. In an effort to assist more young women, delegates voted to change the Mary R. Wisehart Student Loan Fund to the Mary R. Wisehart Student Scholarship Fund. A committee will formulate guidelines and report to the 2011 convention.

Photo: Delegates pay close attention during the WNAC business session.
Women amended the WNAC purpose statement to define its scope more clearly to better resonate with today’s women. Women Nationally Active for Christ now exists to help women fulfill the Great Commission through their God-designed roles in the home, church, community, and world.
In other business, women retained a delegate system of convention representation and adjusted the deadline for receipt of annual fees and reports in order to coincide with the WNAC office fiscal year.
Delegates reaffirmed the organization's emphasis on missions, prayer, Bible study, and service, and challenged women to focus on building membership by revitalizing local WAC groups. Resolutions passed encouraging prayer for local, state, and national leaders and for those who stand against Free Will Baptists.
Shining Worship
Worship leader Gina Myers led women in song and Scripture during Tuesday’s sessions. Melissa Alvis, daughter of Darin and Joy Alvis, home missionary appointees to Buffalo, New York, shared a musical medley that included ‘This Little Light of Mine.” Jennifer Altom offered a unique perpective on light through, “The Cave People.”
During the Tuesday morning worship service, missionary Geneva Poole challenged women to shine as lights in their world. Expounding on Philippians 2:15, the 2010 WNAC theme verse, she urged women to shine by living a clean and pure life, loving people, and sharing His Word.
Luncheon speaker Anita Scott recounted her near death encounter with lightning. Using the newly adopted purpose statement, she offered insights concerning the God-designed roles of women in their homes, churches, communities, and world.
How will women remember the 75th WNAC Convention? Like a diamond whose beauty and quality come from extreme pressure, careful cutting, and polishing. The result? An organization that will shine with sparkling brilliance.